Wednesday, August 24, 2016

I created this logo for Vaco, a Vacation Rental Management Company that provides full service property management solutions to vacation home owners. The typical client has a upscale second home which is only occupied by them part of the year; allowing the company to rent it for the remainder of the year to vacationers. Vacation Homes are a great alternative to hotels and standard resorts. The business is primarily based in the west (Colorado, South Dakota, Wyoming, Montana) but is interested in moving into coastal regions in the future.

The logo is an implementation of multiple meanings in identity design.  The mountain in the background represents the vacation houses in mountain areas and the waves below is for the coastal vacations houses.  The roof line is created with a wood frame in mind as requested by the contest holder to give emphasis to the nature of the business.

If you are interested in this kind of logo, please let me know by sending me a message.

This is a proposed logo for an online transportation and delivery services.  The logo evolve from letter 'G' and it also emphasizes speed, reliability and efficiency.  This logo is custom-ready to fit in to your company.

If you are interested, send me a message.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Friday, August 19, 2016

This logo is available for sale for only $300.  Send me a message

This is a proposed logo for a graphic design website.  This logo is customized-ready and available for sale.  You can have this logo for a very minimal price.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Proposed logo for Church Young Adult Ministry:

This is a proposed logo for a church Young Adult Ministry that serves over three hundred young adults monthly between the ages of 18 to 35. The logo projects the Vision and Mission statement of the ministry, that is"To equip, identify, and lead Young Adults to live lives of purpose and passion according to Godly principles and standards. Through creating Godly environments, relationships, and practical application for the Young Adult Community.".

If you want to have logo like this, please send me a message.

Proposed logo for a chiropractic company:

This proposed logo is created for a chiropractic company that aims to help everyone, from the young to the old, from the weekend warrior to the elite athlete, achieve and surpass their movement and functional goals because everyone has the right to move.

If you want to purchase logos as this, please send me a message.

Proposed logo for an SUP company

Proposed logo for an internet company

Proposed logo for a Outdoor Company

Wildflower Logo Design:
I won this design in a logo contest.  The company is Wildflower Solutions.  It primarily provides editing services of all types contracts, proposals, resumes, websites, manuals, etc.
I visualize the logo being such that it draws potential clients in and makes them curious about what Wildflower is/does, while at the same time providing some insight into the applicability of the services to their specific need. Also, based on the name, I'd like it to convey a sense of openness and freedom. 
New Leaf Growing